
Here's what some of our students (or their parents) are saying about us:

I would recommend Matt Miller.

He helps coach the Junior Kings goalies and he's the best goalie instructor I've worked with. I started out less than two years ago, tried different coaches, then found Matt, and saw my game take a drastic leap in the right direction. What I think makes Matt an excellent coach is that he quickly finds your weaknesses, and uses both creative and traditional drills that build positive muscle memory--fast. After one lesson, I had no less than three saves, positions, or philosophies that directly translated into that beautiful sound of a puck bouncing off--or into--a pad, followed by teammate's sticks hitting the boards. He also teaches in pads with you so all techniques are demoed, letting you see first-hand what he's talking about. Furthermore, he plays out enough to know the "player's mindset" and possess the "tricks of the trade" players try to employ on net minders, thus Matt can help with counter moves.

He isn't a "one style fits all" dogmatic teacher. Matt's open minded to different styles, preferences, or physical limitations on some techniques, but you can't B.S. him, and he really wants to see you maximize your game no mater what level you play, no matter if you choose more of a stand up or butterfly style, and no matter what save selection you ultimately use.

By the end of class you're gassed, but it wasn't because you were doing mindless conditioning drills. Matt likes to finish with fast-paced games that pull you out of "learning" mode and back into "game brain" (or lack thereof), to see how you can apply the things you learned, or to see how you default back to old habits. It's a really eye-opener, and shows you what you're probably going to do when the chips are down and all heck is breaking loose in your league game. In a typical hour long session I skate off the ice with my head swimming with new techniques that I can't wait to try in the next game or pick up.

Before I discovered Matt, I felt like my play had hit a plateau. I got tired of trying to self diagnose my game mistakes, and I tend to have a hard time letting go and experimenting during pickups or especially games, on new stuff. So training with Matt helped me get enough confidence in expanding my save selection, a little less paddle down here, a little more half-butterfly there, something new that I could "bust it out" in-game, without worrying about letting my teammates down.

Granted, my learning curve is a bit steeper because I'm relatively new, but I've seen Matt work with experienced, pre-drafters, and watched them grow as well. He may not have played in the NHL but Matt's suited up and taken his fair share of shots from NHLers. Ultimately, regardless of contracts and fat paychecks, it's the teachers who truly love the game and take pride in seeing goalies broaden their skills, from beer-leaguers to future pros, that make learning fun, and that's what it's all about.

Racheal Seymour, Actress, MEN'S League Goaltender

Ian's team won the tournament over the weekend.  He was solid most times and at other times, spectacular.  He stopped 18 of 20 shots and we beat a very talented Wolves Team…Ian made one incredible save after another in large part due to your coaching!

Ian has actually won 7 or 8 different tournaments in the last 3 years….not too shabby.

Rod Uyeda, Manhattan Beach Police Chief, Goalie Dad

Congratulations Ian!